What Are Dental Crowns Made Of?

 What Are Dental Crowns Made Of?


Dental crowns are among the most common treatments for various dental issues, from cracked teeth to large cavities. But what exactly are dental crowns made of? Crowns can consist of a variety of materials, including porcelain, metal, and resin. This blog post looks at the different types of materials used in making dental crowns, and each material’s advantages and disadvantages. 

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are a dental restoration used to cover or replace damaged or decayed teeth. Crowns are sometimes called “caps,” because they cover the entire tooth, essentially capping it off. Crowns strengthen and protect the remaining natural tooth structure while also restoring its shape, size, and function. Your dentist may recommend a crown when a tooth is severely damaged, decayed, or discolored or when a filling cannot restore its structural integrity. 

Types of Dental Crown Materials

Crowns are an essential part of restorative dentistry, providing an aesthetic and functional solution for various dental problems. Dental crowns come in different materials, each with its advantages and disadvantages. 

  • Metal Crowns: These crowns consist of different metals, including gold, silver, palladium, or base metal alloys like nickel-chromium. Metal crowns are highly durable, long-lasting, and require less tooth preparation than other materials. However, they are less aesthetically pleasing than other types and may cause allergies in some people.
  • Porcelain Crowns: Porcelain crowns are made of ceramic materials and are highly aesthetic. They blend seamlessly with the natural teeth, making them ideal for front teeth restorations. However, they are not as durable as metal crowns and may chip or crack over time.
  • Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal Crowns (PFMs): PFMs combine porcelain and metal. The metal provides the strength and durability, while the porcelain gives the crown a natural appearance. PFMs are an excellent option because they are strong and blend in with your natural teeth but could cause wear and tear on opposing teeth.
  • Zirconia Crowns: Zirconia crowns are made of zirconium oxide, a strong, biocompatible material. They are highly durable, long-lasting, and require minimal tooth preparation. Zirconia crowns are also highly aesthetic and suitable for both front and back teeth restorations.
  • Resin Crowns: Resin crowns include composite materials and are often used as a temporary option while a permanent crown is made. They are less durable than other materials but easy to repair if damaged. Resin crowns for people with metal allergies, but may need more frequent replacement.

Choosing the Right Type of Dental Crown Material 

When choosing a dental crown material, your dentist will consider several factors. One of the most important is the tooth’s location. Teeth in the back of the mouth may require a stronger material like gold or zirconia, while teeth in the front may benefit from a more natural-looking porcelain or ceramic crown. Another factor to consider is your budget, as some materials may cost more. Discuss your options with your dentist to determine the best dental crown material for your specific needs and preferences.

Dental Crowns in Hamden, CT

In need of dental crowns in Hamden, CT? Don’t hesitate to contact Golia Dental. Our experienced dentists work with patients to determine the best type of crown material for their specific needs and provide quality, long-lasting results. Plus, our comfortable and welcoming office will put you at ease during the entire process. Call us today at 203-248-7400 to book an appointment or request an appointment online